Companies Need
Great Experts

And a reliable way to create expertise throughout their organizations.

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If you're serious about growing expertise in your organization, then you've come to the right place.

Let's turn employees into industry leading experts who exert massive influence on customers and colleagues!

Experts are our most influential professionals

Company subject matter experts bring:
  • Deep understanding and wisdom
  • Faster action and greater accuracy
  • Greater problem solving
  • Credibility with customers and colleagues
  • Competitive advantage
So, it's time to create more experts.
Expert Dig provides services that are proven to create more experts in your company, improve the experts you already have, and retain them.
Standards of Excellence: Custom "Standards of Excellence" documents define the attributes your company needs and how employees can master their domains.
Online Courses: Experts who engage with customers frequently benefit from curated online training.
Peer Groups: Experts learn quickly from each other. Select groups of non-competing practitioners help each other improve and progress.

What people are saying

"Maybe the best training we've ever had."
"This course was career changing. I mean it, career changing. Thank you."
"Important to talk about. We don't do it enough."
"Highly relevant and actionable."
"Great content, highly recommend!"

"Really great! Really."

"Excellent career path insights!"

"Extremely beneficial"

"So many brilliant ah-ha moments."

"Thank you.
Straight to the point, concise."

"So important. We don't talk about it enough."

"Great job! Relevant. Actionable."

"Big help for hiring, promoting, and rewarding my team."

"Loved everything about it. Thanks."

"I got a lot out of this talk."

"Great job! Loved the content."

"Loved the engagement and participation."

expert \'ek-spərt\
noun: a person with exceptional knowledge, skill, and attitude in a particular domain
dig \'dig\
verb: to unearth
verb: to like or enjoy
noun: a sarcastic remark
noun: archaeological site undergoing excavation