Table of Contents
Ensure Delivery
Know the Laws

All experts should understand the laws that govern their discipline. Don’t abide in ignorance. One of the fastest ways to lose credibility as an expert is to demonstrate ignorance of the laws that govern you. You should know the legislative and case laws, how they came to be, and who participated in the creation of the laws.

Too many experts get their first experience with the legal system when they are subpoenaed to appear in court. Ask any such expert if closer attention to legal matters in advance would have been helpful. Learn from those who have been embroiled in drawn-out legal battles. Learn the legal constructs in advance and be prepared to answer for your actions.

In addition to the law, you should understand the legal pitfalls of your discipline and be well-versed in risk avoidance. It is impossible to guarantee that someone will never be sued, but you can understand where the biggest risks are and how to avoid violations.

Always be vigilant about legal matters. Remain prepared for the worst possible legal situation. Keep notes and stay well within the laws to avoid even the appearance of impropriety.

Despite the legal minefields, don’t become paralyzed by risk. We enter a legal system every time we start the engine of our vehicle. Negligence behind the wheel can result in death or imprisonment. Knowing that fact should not paralyze drivers into inaction. You should understand the dangers and remain confident in your ability to manage those dangers.

expert \'ek-spərt\
adjective: having or displaying special skill or knowledge derived from training or experience
dig \'dig\
verb: to unearth
verb: to like or enjoy
noun: a sarcastic remark
noun: archaeological site undergoing excavation