We have studied subject matter experts (SMEs) and worked with them for decades. We have learned what makes them tick and what clients, colleagues, and customers need from them, especially when it matters. We have discovered that great SMEs, the truly influential and persuasive ones, exercise a consistent set of disciplines and actions. Whether they are in engineering, law, medicine, finance, or some other field, great SMEs display a common set of skills and attributes that can be taught and learned.
It is not enough to be a technical genius. Knowledge and competence are just the beginning. There is a craftsmanship to being an SME. It is an art and a science melded together with tenets that can be taught, learned, and exercised.
There is a voluminous body of research on the subjects of expertise and expert performance. We have culled the literature for years and have extracted those helpful and practical nuggets that all SMEs should know and follow. At Expert Dig we help SMEs master their craft. We help bring expertise out of obscurity and maximize the SME’s impact among clients, customers, colleagues, partners, and competitors. In short, our courses, training, and lectures are tailored to help SMEs become compelling agents of change.